
Do Social Networking Sites Lower Productivity Levels?

Does your company belong to the population that allows access to social networking sites? According to Nucleus Research, in a survey of 237 employees, 77% of the workers who have a facebook account use it during working hours. And a percentage of this 77% use the social networking site as

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Law Firm Layoffs

Philippine lawyers and staff of law firms, read on. Do you think that the law firm layoffs in the US can have a trickling effect on you? In the US biggest law firms like Morgan & Finnegan are letting their attorneys go. One law firm laid off 50 of their

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Tips to Handle Philippine Economic Crisis

If you are an employee in the Philippines, chances are that you are already feeling the impact of the Philippine economic crisis. You may probably know people who were laid off. Weak financial and insurance companies are closing down. Even big businesses are reducing their operations cost in all ways

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Find Hiredphilippines.com on Facebook

To Our Dear Visitors, Happy New Year to each and every Filipino! This new year means new employment opportunities and the like. Being a newbie in the real world can be tough especially with the competition. But we know how you feel. With that, Hiredphilippines.com aims to provide each and

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